- appearance - aspecte
- bang - cop
- beat - ritme
- bitter - amarg
- colourful - acororit
- flavour - sabor
- gorgeous - guapíssim
- pattern : dibuix,
- rotten - podrit
- rough - aspre
- scent - aroma.
- scratch - picar.
- shape - forma
- shiny - brillant
- smooth - suau
- soft - suau
- stare - mirar fixament
- stink - pudor
- tickle - fer pessigolles
- whisper - parlar molt baix
- yelt: cridar
- Vocabulary 2: Memory
Vocabulary 1: The senses
- Accurately - Fidel.
- Aloud - veu alta.
- Boost -
- By heart - De memòria.
- Conscious - Conscient.
- Daydream - Somiar
- Disoder - Malaltia.
- Inability - Incapacitat.
- Likely - Probable.
- Loss - Perdre
- Make an effort - Fer esport.
- Positive - Positiu
- Poweful - Poderós
- Recall - Recordar.
- Recognise - Reconèixer.
- Remind - Recordar
Vocabulary 3: Fears and phobias - Anxiety - Preocupació.
- Common - Comú
- Cope with - Fer front
- Face - cara
- Fear - Por.
- Get over - Superar.
- Heights - Altures.
- Helpess - Incapacitat.
- Pound - Bategar.
- Struggle - Lluitar.
- Suffer - Aguantar.
- Sweat - Suar.
- Terrifying - Aterridor
- Trapped - Atrapat.
- Treatment - Tractament.
- Upset - Disgustar.
- Weird - Rara
Very good!